��������� The contagious trends toward sustainable development are rampant all over the world, added to the fact that we live on a finite planet with many nonrenewable resources, presents a pessimistic scenario for future generations. Therefore, topics such as increasing population, environment degradation and energy substitution, has become� major topics of discussion in sustainable development fora. ��������� All country once exploited and some still exploiting our common legacy "the world heritage", barrier to catastrophe of dearth : of resources, clean environment suitable for living. In rich countries the awareness sound more like panic ; every moves have probability to tear down the earth, while the poor countries were told to aware what they are doing because they are going to be the major causes and sufferers in the looming dooms day. For example, developing countries with large populations are regarded as� a� threat to the world environment than developed countries with smaller populations while the birth of a child in a developed country imposes more stress on the global environment than the birth of a child in the third world. Scientists alert people of how vulnerable this current state of resource consumption is. While we are in procedure of discovering the viable alternatives to surrogate current exhaustible assets, it is impossible to halt all activities consuming such resources, and of which standard to define which way of consumption is unsustainable. � ��������� Some concerns seem to be much proactive. Resources such as space or Antarctica can be used to the extent that no degradation will happen. Is it the best way to keep nuclear waste in someone's backyard in stead of the desert space like Antarctica ? Will we immigrate into the extreme environment like north poles within the waste life ? We all realized that recycling concept is not a paradigm for sustainable use of all products. Sometime treatment technologies we have demand more resources and even cause more waste in term of quantity which need further treatment. Maybe the alternatives we came up with today per se will be the future disasters like once DDT was awarded Nobel prize as it contributed to people well- being. However when nuclear power was introduced as a more efficient energy substitution but� curbed by its waste, it does not mean that this is totally unsustainable way of using the power. � ��������� Forethought in human welfare and concept of sustainability beyond time scale worth cherished and should� be persisted. However panic and awareness should be distinguished and priority of problems to be dissolved are crucial as well � |